Public Utilities
and Regulatory Law

In Pozo Gowland Abogados we have specialized in comprehensive advice in the negotiation and execution of contracts related to the provision of public services in its various forms. For this, we accompany our clients in the different stages of their business and in their links with state agencies: in the analysis of contracts and in their negotiations; tariff fixations and renegotiations; processes of contractual recomposition; questioning of penalties and issues associated with the quality of service; assistance in all types of conflicts with the Administration and users; relations with public authorities and users; representation and sponsorship before the regulatory and control authorities; challenges and administrative claims and resolution of disputes in judicial and arbitration.

The complexity of public services requires a thorough understanding of the business, so that legal solutions consider the technical and operational conditions, as well as economic and financial requirements.

The responsibility that implies the provision of public services, requires acting jointly with professionals in engineering and economics, as well as with other branches of law-labor, financial, tax, corporate, criminal.

We have proven experience in public services linked to energy (transportation and distribution of electricity and natural gas), waste collection and urban hygiene, highways, rail and underground transport.

We are a law firm focused on providing effective solutions that add value to our clients’ business decisions.

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